⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ O mesmo Lineage 2 que você adora.
Este é um novo servidor criado de acordo
com todos os cânones do lendário jogo.
Obtenha um reembolso de doação* se você
não gostar do servidor Status
We are glad to inform you about the opening: LineAge 2 C3 Rise of Darkness. The real atmosphere of the classic Lineage 2. Server rates x1. Maximum number of gaming clients per
L2 Wise is C4 old school styled for all players that missed the golden ages!! You are all welcomed in the server! We guarantee NO WIPE / NO BOT / FULL BALANCE +OLY +SIEGE +PVP +PVE
Classic and most widely loved Lineage 2
chronicle returned for all C4 lovers out
there who are looking for a stable server
with off- like gameplay for the sake
Lineage II Cetus is a C5 (Oath of Blood) retail classic x3 Project. Golden Chronicle is throwing back some memories to oldschool players and gives the chance to new players to live
Servidor L2 Dragons 75x MultiCraft Set TT/DK/Armas Epic TvT Event 2 in 2 Horas Siege 7 em 7 dias Olympiad 15 em dias Farm Itens / Craft Itens Sction of Destiny
L2 Elpy is the ultimate C4 server, providing a high- quality and long-term retail experience. XP x12 - fully working skills & balanced PvP. Auto TvT & unique Squash event system.
Time Server, Site and Forum - GMT -3 Duration of the Buffs, Dances and Songs - 2 hours Maximum Buffs Slots - 24 Maximum Slots Dances and Songs - 12 Chance Minimum Debuffs - 10% Cha
X20/X20/X30 XP/SP/ADENA Craft-PVP C4 Sub-Acu Server X20/X20/X30 XP SP Adena Sub-Acu Main +3 (elf-dark elf mix sub) Gm-Shop Up to B grade (A,S by craft) NPC Buffer Unlimit
Our project is a unique concept of the classic-old- school C5 x1 server from 2004 and the quality and technology of 2021, which allows you to enjoy the game for a long time. Our ser
La2Era.com - the history of our project
began on 09.02.2018 from the C4 x1
server. On September 3, we opened our
second server, C5 x3 on the PTS platform
Server x1 Chronicle 1 (opening
30.09.2022) - server - museum.
✔ Rates x1
✔ Limit 1 window per person
✔ No help and GM-shop
✔ No pay to win
✔ Progressive chronicles C1 -> C5
NCsoft, the interlocking NC logo, Lineage II, and all associated logos and designs are trademarks or
registered trademarks or service marks of NCsoft Corp. All rights reserved and other trademarks are
the property of their respective owners.